Saturday, August 24, 2013

First Week,Done!

I only email Fridays so it was a bit of a shock to log on today and find that I had like ten emails!!!!!  It made me super excited though.  It was nice that Heidi, Dad, Grandma and Phil all emailed me, not just mom.  I laughed a little at grandma's email because of all the spelling mistakes and stuff like that, but it made me happy because that's my grandma!!  

Holly and the "MAP"
Sister Hudgens and Sister McLean (her MTC companion)
I've been here a week but it feels like a month.  I've learned so much, but the biggest thing is that I realize that I should have shared the gospel with more of my non-member friends like Kayla and Silvana.  The gospel is such a great blessing and I know that by sharing the gospel with our friends we are sharing the greatest gifts ever.  I'm not a newbie anymore, there are newer people than me and that is a great feeling. 
I love my district and my zone, we are so close.  We are family here and it feels like it.  I'm pretty sure half of the zone is from Utah,m but that's ok, they are still great.   I love you all and I'm going to try and send some pictures.  Stay close to the gospel.
Holly on the Temple grounds

PS Elder Bednar gives the best talks, I hope I get the opportunity to see him in person!

Sister Holly Hudgens
Training at the MTC

Holly with her District at the Temple

Friday, August 16, 2013

The MTC!

Oh my word!  This first few days have been exhausting!!!!! I cant believe how much stuff we have done in just the first few days.  We have gone to tons of presentations and studied so much.  I don't think I have ever studied the scriptures so much in my life.

My companion's name is Sister McLean, she's great.  She missed her flight on the first day though so she arrived at like 8 the first night.  I was kind of scared at first that my companion wasn't there just because everyone else had theirs, but she finally arrived.  She is from Gilbert Arizona and we get along really well.  The other Sisters in my room are Brown, Tofa, Nisse, and Williams and they are all in my district and really great.  The elders in my district are pretty great too.  I think at least half of my district is from Utah, but what did I expect right?  I still think that they are nice people and fun to be around.

Sister McLean and I have an "investigator" we are teaching for our MTC stay named Kitija. She seems kind of shy but this is good practice for us.  We taught her once and I think it went ok.  We both kind of had that deer in the headlights kind of feeling though. 

We met with our branch president last night along with the other group in our branch.  He and his counselors and their wives all seem pretty nice.

I'm so excited to be here and I hope everyone is doing great!  I cant believe Grace is in 5th grade!  I hope Heidi isn't too tired or swamped from school and swim.  I love you all!

Sister Holly Hudgens

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

I entered the MTC

Holly and Grandma Sharon at SLC Temple
I entered the MTC today!  Had a chance on Tuesday to go the Salt Lake City Temple with Grandma and Aunt Sondra.

Holly and the sister missionaries welcoming her to the MTC

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Going to miss my momma, but I bet she'll miss me more!

I Just Got Set Apart!

So I just got set apart tonight to be a full time missionary!  It was a great experience to have my family there with me.  My parents shared their testimonies and the Spirit was so strong I almost cried, almost ;)  Tomorrow I leave for Utah, and Wednesday I enter the MTC.  I know it is going to be a whirlwind of emotions, and nothing is really going to prepare me for what is to come, so I am just going to dive in and hope the Lord will help me take care of the rest.  Get ready Texas, here I come!
~the newly set apart Sister Holly Hudgens