Monday, September 23, 2013

Zombie Tag?

You asked about how my days go?  We'll here goes!!!  Last week for P-day we played zombie tag.  There was a "zombie" and that person would tag everyone else and then they would drop the glowstick they were wearing and become zombies too.  It was a lot of fun and kind of exhausting. I am learning to how to shoot hoops better so that I don't look to awful playing with everyone else. I practice before everyone gets there and we start the activities.  I throw like a water polo player though, with one hand and everyone looks at me funny, but it works for me!  

We went to a member’s house after dinner and taught their niece the restoration.  She is staying with them for the school year and one of the conditions is that she has to go to church and seminary.  They are studying the Book of Mormon in seminary this year and with her coming to church every week, they are practically doing half the work for us!! Getting investigators to come to church is always the hardest part.  We taught her again on Saturday when we went over there for dinner and I think it is going well.  She is quiet and doesn't say much so it is hard to know.

On Tuesdays, we usually go to a less active member's house for lunch and talk to her a little bit. Her son is some sort of soccer super star, so that is their priority right now instead of church.  She wasn't there though and we were confused because she runs a day care and she doesn't usually leave.  When
Biking off into the Sunset
we stopped by later we saw her and she told us that some friends had come unexpectedly and were now staying with her.   We were able to see another one of our less active sisters on Tuesday and really help her out.  She said she was having a hard time that day and that she knew that God had sent us to her to help her and comfort her.  We invited her to the Relief Society activity that night and she came and it seemed like she had a wonderful time.

Wednesday was kind of rough.  We finished priming a member's chairs so she could paint them.  This was the third time we had gone over to help her.  We didn't mind at all because then she will make us lunch.  Afterward we rode our bikes across the train tracks into another neighborhood and tried to visit some people, and it seemed like no one was home.  We did end up being able to see someone, Sister Brown.  She is a great woman and a fabulous painter.  She does great portraits!  After visiting, we went to an appointment with an investigator.  As soon as she walked in, she said that she was going to be her church.  We were really bummed and tried to get her to at least come to our church once so she could see the difference, but she wasn't feeling it.   I was completely dumbfounded and didn't know what to say.  It is a good thing that Sister Seymour and the member we brought with us found some words because I had no idea what to say. We also saw a potential investigator that we had really hoped would be great, but he said his wife didn't want to learn more so he didn't want to go against her.  

Our teaching pool really shrunk this week with another investigator in Louisiana helping her mom and another in the hospital (again).  We were really bummed, but we took a step back and tried to see if we were doing anything that might be keeping us from being fully obedient.  We then decided that we would have to have the faith that the Lord would help us find people to teach and that all we had to do was keep being obedient and have faith that the Lord would help us.

Thursday completely made up for the day before, it was fantastic!!!  As we knelt down to pray before we began our weekly planning session, we asked that we would find people to teach.  Like 30 seconds after our prayer, we got a referral from the church referral hotline.  I was so happy I started literally jumping for joy.  We contacted the referral and set up an appointment for the next day.  The referral came with contact information for the person who submitted the referral so we decided to call her up to see if she would come with us.  We went to call her and realized that the last digit of her phone number was missing.  We started to get a little sad when I had a great idea: call the number and had the last digit, one at a time starting with 0. So we did and at the number 7, we got a winner!!  We told her we had an appointment and she said she would love to come.  In the afternoon, we went out to visit members again.  As it was coming closer to the time for us to be picked up for dinner, we started walking to a member's house to wait for our ride. As we were walking, it started to rain and we were terrified.  When it starts to rain here, it can turn into a downpour an in the snap of your fingers.  So we started running for the front porch of a member to get undercover before then.  We got there and they weren't home, but they had a nice front porch with chairs so we just waited for our dinner appointment to pick us up.  It was a good thing we got undercover because it did start pouring.  After dinner, we had an appointment with a couple we had been trying to see for a while.  We read 3 Nephi 11 with them and at the part where Christ descends from heaven and appears to the Nephites, the spirit was so strong it was just hammering in my chest and I knew they had to feel it too.  They did and the wife was like, you guys have a case.  We committed them to a soft baptism, which means that if they come to know these things are true, they will be baptized.  It was so exciting and made us so happy!!!!  

On Friday, it was pretty gloomy outside.  There was a tropical storm that passed over that day so the threat of rain was scary.  Sister Canfield, the lady we live with left for a trip that morning and we were sad to see her go.  It is so great living with her, and just having someone home when you get there is great.  We had a district meeting with the missionaries that serve in our area (three companionships), and then went home to have lunch after.  It was pouring when we were done so we called Sister McQuay and she took us to her house and we watched bible videos and Mormon messages for the hour of time we get each week.  

When time was up, we went home and since it wasn't raining too bad we put on our jackets and biked to a member that didn't live too far away.  We had a great visit, challenged her to share a mormon message with her friend and then biked home.  It was really raining by that time, but not quite pouring yet.  I am pretty sure the thunder we kept hearing and the threat of a downpour spurred me on to bike harder and faster than I ever have before!!!  It was kind of crazy, and we were laughing the whole way home because we were biking, in the rain, in skirts.  We were super excited to have that lesson with our referral guy, but half an hour before the lesson the member we were going to go with canceled because her parents wouldn't let her drive the hour to get there in  the pouring rain and it was raining hard.  So we scrambled for like 20 minutes, calling almost the entire ward directory looking for someone to go with us to the lesson.  Finally, someone picked up the phone and we were able to go.  The lesson was quite interesting.  He is a 22 year old guy for starters, we don't seem to teach anybody but old women.  The second interesting thing was the coffee table full of weed.  He said he forgot we were coming over, but he let us in any way.  It went really well and he seemed very open to what we said, so that was great.

On Saturday, it didn't rain at all like we thought it would.  But we were in a lot anyway because we had to prepare our Relief Society lesson.  Every fourth Sunday we teach Relief Society and the Laurels come in.  I guess it i
Sword Play
s their way of getting the YW used to going to Relief Society so they aren't freaked out.  I guess they also think it is better that they come when we teach because we aren't as scary or something.  I don't know.  The lesson was from a couple of talks from last conference, one of which talked about putting on the armor of God.  We thought it would be fun if we had a laurel model the armor for us, and so we scurried around the house trying to find
things to use.  We used an apron for the breastplate and the girdle, a bike helmet, and some sandals, a box for a shield, and a sword one of the other sister missionaries had.  Before you freak out, she collects medieval weapons so the Elders thought it would be funny to buy her a sword they found at a garage sale.  

After all of our studies were done, we once again decided to cross the tracks in an adventure into to the other neighborhoods.  Because of the rain though, there was a stream of water, just wide enough that you couldn't jump over it.  Again, I was hit with inspiration.  Use the bike pedal as a stepping stone.  Sister Seymour preformed it beautifully, but I lost my balance and stepped in the stream with one foot.  So with one wet foot we continued on. Sunday was great as always and it just makes me so happy to have this gospel.  Our lesson went great, or so everyone tells us and we had a delicious dinner.  I love being a missionary :)

Sister Hudgens